Five Essentials
for a Successful Branded Apparel Program.
You’ve been tasked with implementing an office uniform program. Or maybe you’re just frustrated with the current process for ordering your staff’s branded apparel. Chances are pretty good this isn’t your only job responsibility, yet it is one of your most time-consuming to implement and administer. Take a step back, breathe deeply, and read through these helpful tips for implementing a successful office uniform program.

Communicate the benefits
If your office team hasn’t had a uniform program before, you may experience some resistance to the change. Be purposeful in communicating the many benefits of a branded apparel program. These include establishing an instant and easy to comply with dress code, creating a unified team environment, developing a professional image, identifying employees easily for improved security, and promoting your company’s brand. Branded apparel programs also often translate to a monetary benefit for your employees as there isn’t a need for them to continuously update their work wardrobe. Be sure to help your team see the many positive aspects of the program.

Survey the team
Consider the age, roles, and interests of your work staff. After all, they will be the ones sporting the new workwear every day. Take the time to ask your employees what types of business clothing and brand preferences they would be interested in wearing or if they have any specific workwear needs for their positions. This can be done with informal focus groups, paper surveys, or electronic surveys. Incorporate the feedback you receive into the new work uniform program to help get the necessary buy-in from the team.

Consider the color scheme and branding
If you have a marketing or branding specialist in your office, it’s a good idea to get them involved in the establishment of an office uniform program. Develop an overall color scheme that allows for a pleasing representation of your brand and logo. If your logo is green, white, and grey, are you comfortable with it being embroidered on a red sweater? If you can’t find the exact shade of blue from your logo in your shirt selection, how much variation is allowed? Sometimes a neutral background is the best solution. Thinking through these questions will help you to maintain a professional image as you implement your branded apparel program.

Choose classic pieces and review the program regularly
It’s recommended that your branded apparel program consist of classic pieces like oxfords, polos, sweaters, and jackets that are always fashionable and appropriate for the office. You may want to consider incorporating a few more pieces that are more on trend depending on your survey feedback. Navigate this point carefully. If your apparel selections are too stuffy, your employees won’t be happy with the program. If your workwear is too trendy, you will have to update your program more often than you would like. Don’t forget to consider seasonal changes in your geographical area and include a variety of items to account for temperature variations. Gather feedback regularly and review your program selection annually to make updates.

Select a program provider that will make your life easier
If you have ever had to put together a spreadsheet of every employee’s sizes or sort through boxes of branded apparel to get everyone their order, you understand the pitfalls that can traditionally come with office uniform programs. Having a custom branded apparel program for your staff should not make your life more complicated. In fact, there are work uniform programs now that can really feel like a benefit for you and your employees. Embroidered clothing programs these days can include customized and company-branded online stores that showcase your exact program options, employee budget features that simplify the payment process, and apparel packaged for each employee that provides easy distribution. Check for these service features when researching branded apparel providers to make your life easier.
With a little research and proactive communication, you can easily implement or improve your branded apparel program. When your team is well informed, well branded, and well dressed, the whole company will look great and you will be the star of your office.